Shipping Details - Express Custom Boxes

Shipping Details

It should be kept in mind that when we dispatch order, we do not follow the guidelines that are laid down to us by respective postal offices. Thus, we do not comply with any rules and regulations that have been laid down by independent postal services. We also are not liable to assist anyone regarding the postal routes or to choosing the manner of assembly for delivery. Having said that we strive to provide options that help our clients and thus will be the most convenient for them. ​

Order cancellation​

To start off, orders that are pertinent to printing of your boxes can indeed be cancelled. Having said that, special consideration needs to be given to the time that you choose to opt for the order cancellation. If the orders have entered the actual phase of printing, then cancellation of orders cannot be executed. In this case, even if you do cancel your orders, you in no way are going to be compensated for the cancellation. No fees that you might have paid for having your logos designed by us are going to be paid back to you either. Thus, keep in mind that if you want to cancel your order with us, you need to demand for so well before your order with us enters the printing phase. ​

To see whether an order has entered the printing phase is indeed simple. You will see an icon that suggests that the order can be cancelled and thus has not entered the printing phase when that is the case. All then you need to do is click on the icon and a friendly representative will get back to you in absolutely no time to fulfill your concerns and needs​

We also hold all our orders for our clients for one month or thirty days. If within this time frame, they fail to provide us with the complete documentation, we will automatically be left with no other option but to cancel their orders. All the money that they paid to us will be restored into their account within ten business days. ​

Privacy and safety​

It is important to realize that if you seek to have your orders placed with us, it becomes only mandatory that you supply us with all the personal information that will be needed by us to execute your order properly. Having said that, you in no way need to fear having your personal information being provided to any third party unless obligated upon us by law. It is also vital that you understand that we take every step necessary to ensure that none of the information that you provide to us becomes accessed by unauthorized personnel. For more information on the issue please feel free to read our privacy policy.
